Hi, I just found your blog via your sister. I am currently studying interior design and your blog looks fabulous. I am your newest follower and I am looking forward to reading more of your posts! xx
Thanks for your comments! I'm getting the hang on the whole blog idea, I come across lots of great images through work, so I just need to remember to save them so I can post them up here! Good luck with your course!
Designism is an eclectic mix of interiors, fashion & architecture, or anything else which is striking, unique or just purely inspirational.
'ism' : the defining attribute of a person a thing
Hi, I just found your blog via your sister. I am currently studying interior design and your blog looks fabulous. I am your newest follower and I am looking forward to reading more of your posts! xx
Thanks for your comments!
I'm getting the hang on the whole blog idea, I come across lots of great images through work, so I just need to remember to save them so I can post them up here!
Good luck with your course!
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